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How To Do An AC Tune-Up To Save On Energy & Repair Bills

Turning on your air conditioning unit is a welcome relief when coming home after a long sunny day. But what if your air conditioner isn’t cooling or isn’t even turning on? In that case, you will be hoping for cooler weather. Not to mention how much money you’ll spend to keep your house cool. So, to avoid excessive spending on air conditioner replacement, it is better not to put off maintenance or air conditioner repair near me.

What Do We Mean by an Air Conditioning Tune-Up?

During a regular air conditioning check, an HVAC expert ensures that all AC system components are functioning properly. The technicians ensure that all the air conditioner parts are clean and accurately checked as part of the examination. 

Also, when you maintain your HVAC system regularly, you can avoid breakdowns, improve productivity, and extend the device’s lifespan by preventing dirt and corrosion and replacing expensive parts before the damage becomes severe. 

What are the Advantages of an AC Tune-Up?

An effective air conditioning system is the best way to have a nice home. Air conditioning upkeep is an excellent way to keep your system running smoothly. You’ve been putting it off, haven’t you? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, most people don’t understand the benefits of proper maintenance until there is an issue with their equipment that cannot get resolved immediately. 

How to Do Air Conditioner Tune-Up?

Here are some steps to perform an air conditioning tune-up

Clean and Change Air Conditioning Filters

Air filters are the primary element of your air conditioning device. They keep dirt and dust out of your air conditioner, which can create issues later on! Therefore, make sure these particles don’t clog your air circulation by changing or cleaning your air filters frequently enough so they work when required the most. 

Also, to do this correctly, HVAC technicians suggest changing those air filters at least four times a year. If you have a pet or a family member who suffers from allergies or asthma, you should change your cooling device’s air filters every six weeks. Another way to promote proper air movement is to keep all entries open and free of obstructions such as furniture. The airflow in your home must be ideal for keeping it cool and pleasant. 

Check the Drain Line

Another preventive maintenance step that homeowners can take is to wash and examine the drain line. The drain line is a white pipe located on the side or front of your furnace that drains moisture away from your indoor AC unit. Your furnace and air conditioner will certainly share a compressor drain line if you have a high-efficiency heater.

Furthermore, if this line becomes congested, the system will not drain the condensation properly, resulting in your air conditioner leaking water. So to avoid this, it is necessary to regularly inspect and clean the condensate drain line.

Are you looking for an expert HVAC company for your replacement, repair, or AC installation in Cornwall, ON? Wylie Mechanical can be your perfect partner. Call us at (613) 701-2030 or visit our website for more details.