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5 Ways to Test AC Efficiency

Summer months can be extremely uncomfortable without proper air conditioning. A well-maintained air conditioning system ensures your home is comfortable and relaxing, even on hot days. However, if your air conditioning system is not working efficiently, you may experience higher energy bills, reduced cooling capacity, and even system breakdowns. Call us for reliable AC service in Cornwall and surrounding areas if you want to improve your system’s efficiency.

How to Test AC Efficiency: 5 Easy Steps


Check the Air Filter: A dirty air filter is the most common reason for reduced air conditioning efficiency. A clogged air filter can reduce airflow, making it harder for your air conditioning system to cool your home. A dirty air filter can also increase your energy bills and cause your air conditioning system to work harder than necessary, leading to premature system failure.

Therefore, the first step in testing your air conditioning system’s efficiency is to check the air filter. Depending on usage, you should inspect and change your air filter every one to three months. A clean air filter can improve air conditioning efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and extend the lifespan of your system.

Measure Airflow: Another way to test air conditioning efficiency is to measure the airflow through your air conditioning system’s ducts. A lack of airflow can indicate a blocked duct or a malfunctioning blower motor. To measure airflow, you can use a handheld anemometer or a simple method called the tissue test.

The tissue test involves holding a tissue in front of a supply vent while the air conditioning system runs. If the tissue does not move, it indicates a lack of airflow, which may require professional attention.

Check Thermostat Accuracy: The thermostat controls your home’s temperature by communicating with your air conditioning system. If your thermostat is inaccurate, it can cause your air conditioning system to work harder than necessary, leading to higher energy bills and system breakdowns.

To test the accuracy of your thermostat, you can use a digital thermometer to compare the temperature reading on the thermostat to the actual room temperature. If the temperature reading on the thermostat is significantly different from the actual temperature, it may be time to replace your thermostat.

Inspect Refrigerant Levels: Refrigerant cools the air in your air conditioning system. If your air conditioning system does not have enough refrigerant, the system will not be able to cool your home efficiently. Low refrigerant levels cause leaks, which can be challenging to detect without professional help.

Therefore, having your refrigerant levels checked by a professional is essential. A trained technician can measure your refrigerant levels and add more if necessary. Regular refrigerant checks can improve your air conditioning system’s efficiency and prevent breakdowns.

Schedule Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance is the most effective way to test and improve air conditioning efficiency. Regular maintenance can help identify and fix minor problems before they become major. Regular maintenance can improve the lifespan of your air conditioning system, reduce energy bills, and improve indoor air quality. During a maintenance visit, our professional technician will inspect and test all aspects of your air conditioning system. They will clean your air conditioning system’s components, tighten loose connections, replace worn parts, and ensure it works optimally.

Testing your air conditioning system’s efficiency is essential for maintaining a comfortable and relaxed home during the hot summer. Contact us today if you are looking for ways to test and improve air conditioning efficiency. We also offer budget-friendly AC repair in Cornwall and surrounding areas.

Reliable AC Services At Wylie Mechanical

With years of experience, Wylie Mechanical provides reliable AC services to ensure your home is always calm and comfortable. Our technicians are trained in the latest repair techniques to ensure top-tier AC performance.

Contact us today if you are looking for ways to improve air conditioning efficiency and reduce energy bills.